Who We Are...
In a world where challenges and disruptive change seem to be a new every day normal for many, there have been significant increases in mental and physical health challenges as people struggle to cope.
Research shows this is not a subjective regional issue but an evidenced global one. A pandemic of crisis which demands more stand up and be of service to those in need.
The IAPCP is a global collective of complementary healthcare professionals who have created a collaborative alliance with one aim. To be the change we want to see in the world by going there first, by supporting people's mental, physical, and spiritual health worldwide while promoting best complementary practices.

Our Moonshot Mission is to Make Complementary Mainstream for 10,000,000.
Global Community
Accredited Training Companies
Professional Complementary Practitioners
10 million
Patients and clients

If something is worth doing it's as easy to go large and be magnificent as it is to play small and mediocre. The world desperately needs magnificent positively disruptive changes, moonshot missions rather than business as normal. At IAPCP we are committed to working with like-minded organizations and individuals who want to make the world a better place NOW!.
The IAPCP is about the collective synergy of the alliance. The collective knowledge, wisdom, and power of the organizations that provide the training and the professionals who deliver the best complementary care services.
An Alliance For Positive Change
Collaboration is the key to Exponential Change
It's been said that most existing businesses and organizations will in 10 years be superseded by new and often as yet un launched businesses that enter the market with new, fresh approaches and are positively disruptive. The rate and speed of change has accelerated as technology enables us all to operate in ways that seemed magical even a few short years ago. IAPCP was launched in response to the need for a shake up of the services available to people to help them not only cope with modern-day living but to flourish and to live fulfilling meaningful, happy, and healthy lives.
Although IAPCP is a relatively new organization, the founders and alliance members have been involved with complementary care training and practices for many decades and collectively have well over a century of high-level training and professional practice and come from different countries around the globe making it a truly International initiative.
IAPCP is non-partisan and welcomes the participation of any institute or professionals from any training background ,providing they operate to the IAPCP Standards, Values, and Codes of Conduct.
To become part of the collaborative change, if you are a Practitioner, then first enroll as a Life-Long Learner member, or if you are a Training Institute or Individual who delivers training, then connect with us to find out how you can be part of the Moonshot Mission.
The IAPCP Team
The spotlight for IAPCP is not on the Founders or on the team it's on the mission. The mission is not possible without the collective alliance between training institutes, complementary professionals, and the public. However, people want to know who is behind the scenes driving the initiative, who are setting the standards, and whether they are credible and authoritative.
The Founders are Steve Crabb and Tina Taylor - each has over 2 decades of experience in coaching, therapy and consulting, both are NLP MasterTrainers, and have worked extensively internationally with some of the leading names in personal development from around the world.
The Team includes staff with equally impressive CV's as the founders, and a collective body of international experts who bring their wisdom and knowledge to the accreditation processes, content creation, and continual development of the IAPCP for the benefit of the members.
Steve Crabb - IAPCP Co-Founder
An entrepreneur who became enthused by coaching, NLP, and hypnotherapy when he used them to transform a new start-up venture into an overnight financial success. This led to early retirement and then a career change involving three years of International traveling and intense studying, working with the best of the best.
23 years later, Steve is a SOCNLP Master Trainer, one of a select few designated the title by the co-creator Dr. Richard Bander for his contribution to the field of NLP, a Master Transformative coach ( 3 principles), and a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Steve has been coaching and training internationally for over 20 years and has privately worked with thousands of clients and trained tens of thousands in NLP, Coaching, and Hypnotherapy. His work is focused on working with entrepreneurs and coaches to create flourishing practices and making dream businesses a reality.
His driving motivation behind establishing the IAPCP is to ensure that more qualified and competent people work in the world of mental health. Practitioners who have more than just enthusiasm and good intentions but also are skilled and professional at what they do. The more practitioners there are who can actually make a difference in people's lives, the better the world we live in.
Following a mild stroke end of 2019, just before the pandemic, Steve has been immersed in exploring tools and techniques for physical as well as psychological well-being, and he is committed to supporting and servicing others with similar interests and who desire to be of service to others by using cutting-edge technologies and approaches.
Tina Taylor - IAPCP Co-Founder
When NLP co-creator Richard Bandler and world-renowned hypnotist Paul McKenna want assistants to be at their best, it's Licensed NLP Master Trainer Tina Taylor they turned to.
She trained and managed the super-skilled assisting teams on their programs. Working internationally, she is highly sought after for her own elegant take on change work.
When Steve approached Tina with the idea of establishing the IAPCP, it was received with enthusiasm and relief. enthusiasm because it's a support service much needed for Institutes, Practitioners, and the public, and relief because setting up an accrediting body to serve professionals in ways that were sorely lacking was something they had discussed a few times in their 20 years of working together. It had been tested, played out, and shelved because it was never quite the right time and now is the right time.
Tina has as well as a deep depth of knowledge and experience of all therapy-related issues; she has a global and comprehensive network of trainers and therapists in her little black book many of whom she has bought to the IAPCP project. The eclectic mix of experience and international professionalism is partly because if Tina's involved other amazing talents want to be there as well.
It's only natural, given the breadth and depth of Tina's expertise, that she's a highly regarded trainer, personally awarded Master Trainer status by Richard Bandler in 2007. She delivers generalist and bespoke training for public and in-house events, about or utilising NLP
In 2001 Tina was approached by someone who had difficulty in conceiving, she had to have IVF due to medical reasons and was scared of the procedure. After Tina helped her to let go of her fears, she said “Now I know I can get pregnant and have a healthy baby”. A few months later she called to tell Tina a miracle had happened she got pregnant naturally, much to the amazement of her doctors. This was the first of thousands of couples who have been helped by Tina over the past 20 years, and have healthy lives.
Gloria Hammett - Standards Officer
Gloria has an eclectic background beginning as a Counselling Psychotherapist, a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist qualified at the postgraduate level, and a Master Trainer of Clinical Hypnotherapy. After moving into private practice in the late 1990s Gloria added coaching to her toolbox, going on to study NLP at the Master Practitioner level, eventually adding Licensed Trainer of NLP to her CV.
As a committed lifelong learner, she has sought out and studied various ways of helping her clients make positive lasting changes. In the early 2000's she moved into providing services for businesses creating well-being courses; designing and running in-house Coaching Courses for businesses as well as running motivational interviewing, and mediation services.
When deciding to set up the IAPCP it was Gloria Steve and Tina immediately turned to for all things related to Supervision, accreditation, certification, and setting of standards. Gloria has been involved in setting up accrediting exams, training supervisors, and standards for certification with other accrediting bodies. She has bought her extensive knowledge as well as her limitless care and talent for supporting others to be the best versions of themselves as they can be to the project.
Gloria runs our Supervision services in addition to offering supervision in her private practice
The Rest of the IAPCP Team
Behind the scenes, we have supervisors, researchers, our tech team, professional advisors, and many more amazingly talented people whom we consult about the format and content, and direction of the IAPCP.
As the IAPCP project develops we will shine the spotlight on the people who without their efforts and contributions we would have just an amazing idea.
The spotlight is not meant to be on us at IAPCP but on you the accrediting institutes and professional complementary practitioners and the people you serve.